Thursday, July 17, 2008


Now here we are. 36 days into our 9 day trip to Honduras for our final interview with WGO. God had kept us here so much longer than we had planned. It is as if He didn’t want us to go back to our “normal life”.
1 John 3 14; If we love our Christian brothers and sisters, it proves that we have passed from death to eternal life. 16; We know what real love is because Christ gave up his life for us. 18; Dear children, let us stop just saying we love each other, let us really show it by our actions. 19; It is by our actions that we know we are living in the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before the Lord, 20; even if our hearts condemn us. For God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.

I have known for years that God was calling me into full time service as a missionary to Honduras. Even though I knew He was calling, I kept concentrating on three main questions that I thought I needed answers to.
1- What can I do as a missionary?
I’m not a doctor, a dentist, a teacher (skills that are in high demand in the mission field). Most of my work experience has been in construction and home improvements. Some time in the Army, law enforcement, driving trucks, and twenty three years being a father.

2-How could I make sure that Jesus and Jennifer would get a quality education? Public school was out of the question. Neither Jesus nor Jennifer speaks Spanish. And private schools that teach in English are very expensive.

3-How would we have money to pay our expenses?

Since getting to Honduras, I have seen God so clearly at work. Almost daily he reveals himself in ways that could only be explained as his works. In the extra time that we have been here, God answered my concerns for not serving full time.
1-I thank God for all that has happened in my life. All of my experiences are what got me to the point of submitting to his will. I don’t know words to describe how I feel when I am putting a concrete floor in a home where there was only dirt before. Or seeing the hundreds of people that come into the churches where we hold medical clinics. There are many times when there are tears in my eyes, and I thank God for everything in my life that got me to being right here, right now, with God working through me to share his love.

2- Jesus and Jennifer will be getting a better education here than I expect I could ever have afforded at home. They will go to the new school at Rancho Ebenezer that has been built by WGO. They will be studying a U.S. home school curriculum where they can advance at their own pace. And there is an average of 4-7 students in each class. That is 4-7 students per teacher. Jennifer is excited because she found out yesterday that she will already be in some classes with 6th graders, instead of just 5th grade.

3-And finally, how would we have money to pay our expenses? Ever since I took the “first step” (I will write later to explain the amazing details of what God did after that step) God has told me to talk with people about my calling. To ask them to pray and listen to hear what God puts on their heart. And that I should not worry, God has it covered.

Below is one in a list I saw on excuses some people use for not going into missions.
“I fear that when I get there it might turn out I made a mistake and will come home with shame.”

The answer is;
Which is worse, shame for having endeavored to follow Christ in missions, or fear to venture? Shame before others for making a mistake will not hurt you; it will humble you and can make you more useful in a new situation. But fear will make you useless everywhere. Consider Ecclesiastes 11:4 and what it says about risk: “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.” Meaning: without taking the risk of sowing when the seed might be blown away and reaping when the rain might ruin the harvest, you will starve.
Oh, how precious is the freeing word of God!

Our decision to stay here came only after a whole lot of prayer and deep thought. As I sit here with Jesus and Jennifer, I think of;
Isaiah 50 vs. 7; Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be dismayed. Therefore, I have set my face like a stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will triumph.

The life of a missionary is not a solo venture.As a full-time missionary with WGO we are required to raise our own support. Your prayers and financial support are absolutely essential in this effort to proclaim Jesus Christ and to demonstrate his love in Honduras.Please prayerfully consider partnering with us as we go out to "Answer God's Call" by;

-becoming a prayer partner_____________________________________
-with a one time gift of $__________
-with a monthly pledge of $__________
-with an annual pledge of $__________

Initially, financial support can be sent to;

Holly Springs Baptist Church Attn. Honduras Missions/Morton Fund
P.O. Box 366
Holly Springs, N.C. 27540

After we get fully settled in, support can be sent directly to WGO in care of "Roy Morton, Jesus and Jennifer. All donations are tax deductible and you will be sent a receipt. Once we are in WGO's system, donations can also be made through direct deposit if you prefer.

Thank You for being a part of our lives and for your love, friendship, encouragement, and support.
God Bless You (Dios te Bendiga), Roy, Jesus, and Jennifer

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