Friday, September 12, 2008


First of all I want to thank all of you who help to make our service here possible with all of your prayers, support, and encouragement. It has been remarkable to see and to hear of how you all have begun to work together to help support us as we serve to spread the truth of God’s Word, and show the love of Jesus Christ here in Honduras. The opportunity to be a part of Gods work here, to see God working daily in the lives of others as well as in ours, and to see such growth in the Body of Christ, is an amazing experience and blessing.
Jesus and Jennifer have begun their second month of school. They are both doing great. They love the small class sizes and that they are being taught from a Christian Home School curriculum. Both Jesus and Jennifer love that they have a Bible class and that they go to Chapel for some time on Wednesdays and Fridays. It is very common to see them reading their Bibles after they get Home from school. Jennifer was excited that she read Genesis in three days! They like that they only go a half day on Wednesdays, and part of that time is spent meeting the team of short term missionaries that are here for the week, and challenging them to a soccer game. I wash our clothes by hand, Honduras style, so getting the mud/dirt out of their clothes after they get home from the game can be a challenge sometimes. Jennifer likes going to school so much that she misses it on the weekends!
A normal week for me would be to work with the Medical Brigades on Concrete Floor Projects except on Wednesdays. That is the day they go to see “Rancho Ebenezer” (to see the facilities there, including the school), and I and other members of the staff go to see the Churches and Floor Projects where we would be at the next week. Working on the Brigades is such a wonderful blessing. I pray that in the future some of you will come and experience it for yourselves.
A big challenge to me here in a city of over 1.25 million people, is to learn how to use the public transportation system. When I was growing up in Holly Springs I could get pretty much anywhere I wanted to go on my bicycle in a few minutes. I remember when we would go on “Sunday Drives” just to get to ride around some. That is not the case anymore in Holly Springs, and it certainly isn’t here. The kids and I have to walk about seven minutes to get over to a street where taxis and buses run. That’s where Jesus and Jennifer’s bus picks them up around 7:00am for their 50-60 minute bus ride to school. From there, I can get a “Collectivo” (a taxi that waits until it is full with people going to the same general area of the city). They are much cheaper than normal taxis. After I get out of the taxi, depending on where I need to go, I either walk a few blocks over to where I get on a bus going past WGO’s office, or I take a bus that carries me to where I can meet WGO’s bus on it’s way out to the Brigade Site. It takes between an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and a half depending on which place I need to go. And then I do that again in reverse in the afternoons to get back to Jesus and Jennifer’s Bus Stop by 5:00pm. That’s the easy part. It’s all the other places I/we sometimes have to go in the city that can really get challenging. If you don’t know where to go to get on the right bus or taxi, you can get very lost, very quick. I really am enjoying walking, taking buses and taxis, and trying to learn how to get around in the city without a vehicle of my own. I get to see places, and things, that you would never see if you were just riding down the street. I get to meet people and share my faith with them. Every taxi driver I ride with is a captive audience to hear about God and also about what we do here in Honduras with WGO. Right now, I see it as a blessing, not having a vehicle. But I know that some time in the future, to do my work here more effectively, I will need a small pickup truck or van. (Please keep that in your prayers.)
Now here comes what to me for now is the hard part about being here serving in Honduras. Support raising. All of my life I have worked for a living. Most of that time I have been a single father. First with Ashley (23), and now with Jesus (14), and Jennifer (10). So I know what it is to try to make ends meet. It is hard for me to ask people for money. But in an article I read recently it said, “ God has called you and He will ultimately be the one to provide the prayer partners, finances, and the other necessary resources to enable you to do the work of a missionary. Support raising is a time of gaining faith and additional trust in the One who will sustain you here in the mission field.” The article also said, “We have a tendency to think of support raising as begging for money. You are not begging. There are “two” callings here. One is that God has called you to go to the mission field. The other is that He has called others to send you. It is important that you see your support raising as simply searching for the people God has called to send you.” That is what we are doing now, searching for the people that God has called to help in supporting our call here to Honduras. I ask that you prayerfully consider if God is calling you to be a part of this ministry by partnering with us. We need your continued prayers and financial support.
Also, please help us spread the word about what we are doing here. Us coming to serve in Honduras all happened so fast, we did not have time to personally let people know what God was doing in our lives. If you know anyone you think might be interested, please give them our contact information, especially the address of this blog so that they can see what we and WGO are doing here.

We would really love to hear from you. Either through email , or by phone (919)521-8051.
If you make a donation, I would very much like it if you will let us know. As it is now, I only receive a record of donations once after the first week of the month. If you make a donation at the first of the month, it would be over a month before I would know.

Again, Thank You all for all that you are doing to help make it possible for us to serve in the name of Jesus Christ here in Honduras. Without your continued prayers and support this would not be possible.
God Bless You All!
Roy, Jesus, and Jennifer Morton

ALL DONATIONS are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. You Will Receive a Receipt/Statement.
To make monthly donations, please copy and then fill out the following form. Or, if you would rather, just write your information and send it to the listed address.

World Gospel Outreach is happy to announce that we now have an easier way for you to contribute to your favorite missionary! We have made arrangements with our financial institution to permit contributions to be made without writing checks or spending money on postage. By simply filling out the form below, you can authorize an automatic draft from your checking or savings account each month. To take advantage of this easy way to support the ministry in Honduras, please complete the form below;

I (we) would like to join WGO's monthly draft for contributions.
Designated Funds (Roy Morton Family) $_______________
Total amount of monthly deduction $_______________
Please enclose a voided check with your request and mail to:
World Gospel Outreach
Attn: Morton Family Fund
P.O. Box 14348
Humble, TX. 77347-4348
One time donations can be made by making out a check to: World Gospel Outreach, ATTN: Morton Family Fund, and sending it to:
World Gospel Outreach
Attn: Morton Family Fund
P.O. Box 14348
Humble, TX. 77347-4348
Donations can also be made online at :
-click on "Donations"
-the second question is "Designated Ministry". Click there and then look for my name "Roy Morton". Click on my name.
-You will be asked the amount of the donation.
-Next is "Automatic Monthly Charge". If this is a one time donation, click "No". But please consider committing to donating on a monthly basis. If you select "YES", and you complete the rest of the form, an automatic monthly draft from your account for your authorized amount will begin.

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