Saturday, June 13, 2009


In a way it is hard to believe that it's been a year since we first arrived for our "final interview" with WGO. For those of you not familiar with how God got us here, we originally came to have a personal interview, planning to stay just nine days. During those nine days it became obvious that God had a different plan. Instead of going back Home and continuing to work for the next six to eight months while we raised support to fund our service here, we stayed. When God called us onto the mission field, He didn't just mean now, He meant "Right Now"! We still struggle financially, but the spiritual rewards far outweigh the inconveniences we experience from the lack of funds.
A verse of Scripture that has been on my heart this week is:
1 Corinthians 15:58
Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourself fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Our time here in Honduras has been the most wonderfull, blessed, spiritually fullfilling time of my life. I feel that I am finally doing what God raised me to do. Every day, every moment that God allows me to be here is such a blessing.
It is such a powerfull thing to daily interact with other believers that answered God's Call to serve as missionaries. Not just the full time staff of WGO. But also all of the individual team members that come here to serve for just a week. Lots of people probably feel that they should do more to help further Gods kingdom, but how many actually go do it? I see on a daily basis how God takes ordinary people that have surrendered their hearts and their time to Him, and He uses them in a powerfull way here in Honduras. It is so amazing to actually see God so clearly working all around us.
Jesus and Jennifer finished school for the year on Friday, June 12th. They both brought Home certificates for being on the "A" Honor Roll for the entire year. For the last quarter one had 14 "A+'s" and 1 "A", the other had 9 "A+'s" and 3 "A's". Awesome ! June 12th. was also a special day for us because it marks our one year anniversary serving in Honduras.
Jesus and Jennifer flew to N.C. last Friday, June 19th., to spend some time with Grandma , and family and friends back Home. It sounds like they have started out having a great time. Jesus even spoke for some time at Church his first Sunday back. God truly blessed me with some of the very best children on the planet. Jennifer plans to stay until the end of July, but Jesus thinks he will only stay two or three weeks. He is anxious to get back and work on Medical Brigades this summer, and spend time with his friends from school at W.G.O.'s "Rancho Ebenezer". I have a feeling he may change his mind and stay a little longer with Grandma, we will see.
I want to say thank you to all the people that helped financially to make it possible for Jesus and Jennifer to spend some time at Home this summer. And special thanks to Martha. Not only did she arrange all the travel plans, she flew here to Honduras to escort them safely back to N.C. That is the second time Martha has flown down to help us out. It was great to have her here. She was able to spend some time Thursday afternoon helping out at a Medical Brigade. She also was able to see the Home for the concrete floor project we worked on Friday. I expect that was quite an experience for her. We were supposed to drive through a river to get across to the Home. This is the rainy season and the river was way too high and fast to attempt a crossing. Since that is the only road into the neighborhood, we had to find another way. We had to park about 1/4 - 1/3 of a mile away and walk. Going in wasen't so bad, it was going down a mountain. Hiking back out at the end of the day, with all of our tools and equipment was a little more difficult, going back up the mountain. But as always, it was a great blessing. When we finished, the man of the house was in tears as he shared with us how having his home had been such a struggle for him. He has worked so hard for so long to try to have a home for his children. He had been praying that some day he would be able to have a concrete floor so they would no longer live on dirt.
Imagine being in your home on a Wednesday, you are in desperate need of help. You have prayed, some times for years that God would send you that help. Then all of a sudden some strangers walk up out of nowhere and offer to give you what you have been praying for. Well that's what happens here. Wednesdays is when we go to look at the Churchs and potential floor projects for the next week. When we walk up the families normally have no idea why we are there. But as is common here in Honduras, we are welcomed into the Home just as if we are long lost friends or family. It is so great when God has it all worked out, and you know He is the one who put us there in that particular Home, at that particular point in time.
At last count we have installed over eighty concrete floors in Homes so far this year. That is a lot of concrete, every shovel full mixed by hand.
In this past year I have seen so clearly why I have been through so many of the things I have experienced in my 51 years of life. Time and time again I see how my life experiences have prepared me for God to better use me now. I could go on for days about the wonderful works of God that I have witnessed here. Once I get started it is hard to stop. Just ask Martha. While she was riding with me to the medical brigade last Thurs., and then to the airport on Friday, I was talking so much about my experiences here that I missed a turn each day. Luckily we were able to get turned around and headed in the right direction without too much trouble.
I thank God for everything in my life that prepared me to finally surrender to Him and be prepared to do His work here in Honduras now.

We have been in Honduras just over one year now. Before we came, I had a good job. A better hourly wage than I had ever had before, great benefits. I wasen't paycheck to paycheck but I wasen't much more than that either. I knew God was calling me into the mission field in Honduras, but I couldn't imagine how I could ever afford to go. My three biggest concerns were (1) What would I do? What would be my Job?
(2) Jesus and Jennifer are so great in school, how could they get an education that would challenge them? The public school system is so bad in Honduras, and private schools are very expensive.
(3) How could I afford to go? I was working 55 -65 + hours a week just to pay my bills and stay a little ahead.
Less than three months after I prayed for God to "show me how to do it and I'll go", all those questions were answered, and my children and I were in Honduras. Step by step, as if hand in hand, God led us through the process. I am still in awe of what God did in my life after I truly surrendered to His Will for my life. I know I am where God wants me to be right now. I pray that if it is His Will, He will allow me to serve on the field as a missionary for the rest of my time on earth.
Just as I know God has called me onto the mission field, he has called others to support our service here. Without your prayers and financial support, we could not be here. Right now we still live from week to week, month to month. I received a tax return this year, and my Home Church, Holly Springs Baptist Church, held a Pig Pickin where they did an awesome job at raising support for us. But what we really need is commitments to help us on a monthly basis. Right now, less than six people send us money every month through WGO. Some contribute through the offering at Church, and that is great, every dollar we receive helps. But I ask you to please prayerfully consider partnering with us on a monthly basis.
Below is a form that you can print off, to make that commitment.


World Gospel Outreach is happy to announce that we now have an easier way for you to contribute to your favorite missionary or ministry within our organization. We have made arrangements with our financial institution to permit contributions to be made without writing checks or spending money on postage. By simply filling out the form below, you can authorize an automatic draft from your checking or savings account each month. To take advantage of this easy way to support your ministry in Honduras, please complete the form below.

I (we) would like to join WGO's monthly draft for contributions.
Address: ________________________________


DESIGNATED FUNDS FOR FAMILY (Name): Roy Morton $_______



Instructions (if any):__________________________________________

Please enclose a voided check with this request to:

World Gospel Outreach
Family Name: Roy Morton Fund
P.O. Box 14348
Humble, TX., 77347-4348


We greatfully accept any and all donations of any amount. All donations are tax deductible and you will receive a receipt.
Again I ask that you please consider partnering with us. We need your help to make our continued service possible.
1 Corinthians 3: 4 - 9
Each of us did the work the Lord gave us. My job was to plant the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God, not we, that made it grow. The ones who do the planting or watering aren't important, but God is important because he is the one who makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work as a team with the same purpose. Yet they will be rewarded individually, according to their own hard work. We work together as partners who belong to God. You are Gods field. Gods building- not ours.

Please Note:
Recent and upcoming events in the political arena in Honduras leave some people thinking that there is cause for concern. I feel a peace in my heart over this, and I know that God is in control. Below is an email that was recently sent by WGO management to their missionaries in Honduras. I feel that I live in a safe area, and I have taken their advice and stocked up on food and water.

Dear Mission house missionaries,
Due to recent events in Honduras the WGO executive staff is requesting you and your families to take extra precautions while in Honduras. While there have been no incidents, we want to make you aware of the political unrest that could happen at any point. It is not my intention to have you needlessly worry about life in the city and while we have not received any threats against any missionaries, however, we might face and need to be prepared for the worst case scenario. There is a referendum planned for the 28th of June, although we have heard that it will not take place, there might be demonstrations taking place before that date. Also know that there is a back way into El Hatillo, but with the rain it might not be passable at all times. This route is accessed around Chimbo off the valle of angeles road.Please consider the following: Please have extra water available for drinking. At least two weeks of food available. Please keep your vehicles full of fuel when coming up the hill. Check your generator for acceptable operation in case we are out of electricity for an extended period. Know different roads to take when shopping or returning home, know the shortcuts. Stay away from all crowds on the streets, keep your windows rolled up. Thanks for your time if you have any questions or concerns please let me know.
World Gospel Outreach

Please keep me in your prayers as I stay here to serve in Honduras, and for Jesus and Jennifer as they are there at Home with Grandma during this time.
God Bless you all!

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